***This listing is for one 8oz bottle of oil***
Country of origin: Bangladesh
Black seed, or Nigella sativa, is a species of black cumin prized in the Mediterranean and Middle East for its tonic medicinal properties. Its oil has been used historically for many different conditions, and was often considered a panacea.
Black seed contains thymoquinone, dithymoquinone, nigellone, beta-sitosterol, melanthin, nigilline and damascene. Thymoquinone is considered the primary active constituent, and on average black seed oil contains 1-2% thymoquinone. This is the most potent black seed oil I've ever found, and actually contains 4%.
Black seed oil has been well researched, and seems to have a wide range of mild to moderate benefits.
Black seed oil is normally taken orally. A good starting dose seems to be 1-2 tsp per day, though this can be gradually tapered up to 1-2 tbsp per day. If any intestinal irritation occurs reduce dose or discontinue use.